About Us

A Few Words

About Us

International Youth Fellowship is an NGO and a Global Youth Organization founded on Christian principles  by prominent people from different walks of life, determined to solve youth problems

The International Youth Fellowship (IYF) was recognized by the Ghanaian government and a cooperative network was formed.

After that, the President and the government requested the IYF to contribute to the education and development of youth through the establishment of educational and social infrastructure.


Our Motto

Change. Challenge. Cohesion

Certified Partners
We are partnered with the National Youth Authority and the Ministry of Youth & Sports.
Instilling a Healthy mindset that will allow students break free from themselves and experience true change in their lives
Raising leaders of the next generation to overcome challenges and limitations.
Broadening the heart and minds of students to share their hearts with others and unite under one spirit of cohesion
We organize numerous enlightening programs for students in over 80 member countries

Major Activities

  • Educational Workshops (Mindset Education)
  • English Speech Contests
  • Cultural Exchange Programmes
  • French Speech Contests (New)
  • Bible Seminars
  • IYF World Youth Camps
  • Social Services (Volunteering)
  • Cantata Music Concerts
  • Education, Research into Plant Stem Cells
Youth Outreach Programs
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Mindset Training
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Member Countries
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Years of Service in Ghana

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